Dewachter lab

In our lab, we study the cell cycle of Streptococcus pneumoniae
in the hopes of discovering novel ways to kill this major human pathogen.


Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most important human pathogens. It consistently ranks among those bacteria with the highest mortality rates and highest number of resistance-associated deaths. New and effective ways to combat S. pneumoniae infections are therefore urgently needed.

We want to contribute to the search for new antibacterial therapies by first building a better understanding of how S. pneumoniae grows and divides. We aim to identify mechanisms that regulate the S. pneumoniae cell cycle and characterize them at the molecular level. These insights will then be exploited to find novel ways to inhibit or corrupt growth of this major human pathogen.


Want to know more about our work? See our research
Are you interested in joining our team? See our open positions



  • Hello and Goodbye!
    It has already been a year since Adil started his master thesis in our lab. After a great defense, it is now time for him to leave and start an interesting internship with iTeos. Good luck Adil! But Adil’s bench will not stay empty. Today we welcome our new Research Assistant, Claude. Claude will work on characterizing the S. pneumoniae cell cycle in stressful conditions. We feel lucky to have her. Welcome Claude!
  • Amy is starting her PhD!
    One more PhD student! Today we welcome Amy in the lab. During her PhD, Amy will study the essential function of the GTPase Obg in S. pneumoniae. This way, she will hopefully be able to figure out why this protein is essential and conserved in all bacteria. Good luck Amy!